E&S Impact Assessment
Systematic assessment of impacts on the environment and the society and the integration of comprehensive measures to avoid, mitigate and/or offset these impacts is paramount for the sustainability of all infrastructure projects.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is more than a planning exercise, it is a process that has the potential to alter the design of the proposed project. Components of the ESIA process or ESIA as a whole are often requirements for project licensing and permitting. Therefore, efforts invested in an ESIA often facilitate and streamline project development. ESIA is also a vehicle for engaging with decision-makers, local communities and other stakeholders.
We at MACS provide tailored environmental and social support across the project lifecycle. Our ESIA services include:

- ESIA studies
- Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plans (ESMMP)
- Gap analysis and compliance with regulatory and IFI requirements
- ESIA Screening and scoping
- Environmental and Social Baseline Assessment and Monitoring
- Environmental and Social Audits
- Gender Based Assessment and Action Plans
- Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Plans
- Grievance Redress Mechanism
- Livelihood and Resettlement Action Plans
- Land Access, Acquisition and Compensation Plans
- Climate change impact analysis