Carbon Markets
MACS’ competence for green credit lines includes the calculation of GHG emissions before and after the implementation of the measure, as well as the determination of carbon footprints by various approaches. MACS is familiar and applies different carbon footprinting standards including the IFI’s harmonized approach, the GHG Protocol and PCAF. In combining this competence with in-depth knowledge of regulated carbon crediting standards including the CDM and the emerging Paris Article 6 mechanisms, but also voluntary standards such as Verra and Gold Standard, MACS can evaluate the suitability of a measure or project for carbon crediting, and subsequently may navigate a suitable project through the different steps of the project cycle: documentation, validation, registration, monitoring, reporting, verification, issuance and commercialization of the carbon credits.

For bundles of small-scale emission activities that are often connected to banking portfolios, the programmatic approach of bundling homogenous small measures is the most suitable. With eSave, MACS has a suitable tool at its disposal for organizing the MRV of programmatic carbon crediting initiatives.