Project Details

Location: Jl. Parasamya No.18, Beran Lor, Tridadi, Kec. Sleman, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55511, Indonesia
Budget: 63.835 €

Info: Conducting a full climate assessment of one urban water utility in Indonesia, examining both mitigation and resilience

Indonesia: Urban Water Utility Climate Assessment

In the context of general physical climate risks like rising sea levels, flooding and saltwater intrusion, MACS was contracted to impleemnt a comprehensive climate change adaptation and mitigation project, considering both mitigation and resilience, identifying the main sources of emissions and resilience risks while also highlighting key priorities for the utility to consider for future investment and improvement activities.

The water utlity of PDAM Sleman in Indonesia was selected for an on-site fact finding mission to identify the specific vulnerabilities and contextual factors of Indonesia as project location, and MACS implemented a deeper analysis for hydraulic modelling, groundwater availability and physical climate risk assessment, developing a specifc hydrological model which was presented at the IWA Congress and JIA Conference of 2023.


Filipi Libório

Water, Sanitation and Climate Consultant

+49 69 943188-0

Filipi Libório

Water, Sanitation and Climate Consultant

+49 69 943188-0

Water, Sanitation and Climate

Filipi Libório is a civil engineer graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in Brazil, and holds a Masters degree in Hydroinformatics and Water Management from Nice Polytech (France).

His past work focused on water supply and wastewater systems, watersheds management in Brazil and in Europe, environmental impact assessment at the environmental and socioeconomical levels, logistics and climate change assessment.

At MACS, he has been the Project Manager of the Indonesian Project on Climate Assessment for a water utility, as well as for the NRW Project (Pérdidas II) in Trujillo, Perú. He has also joined the Ajara Rural Water and Sanitation Project, the Municipal Catalytic Fund Project in Ukraine and the Municipal Infrastructure Programme V Albania as a backstopper.